Welcome to Bend Relocation Services! Our expert team is dedicated to helping you relocate or buy a home in Bend with ease and style. From personalized home searches to seamless moving assistance, we handle all your needs so you can enjoy a smooth transition to your new life in this beautiful city.
With the latest census numbers out from 2019, it’s no surprise that Bend’s population is higher than ever and that the city had an excellent decade of growth, with an estimated 31% increase in population within the last 10 years and around 3% growth last year alone. That’s why Bend continues to make it into the lists of the most popular cities for relocation in the United States.
Despite the tumult of 2020, we’re still seeing a steady influx of visitors and relocators moving to Bend from other regions – and here’s why that’s important.
1. Bend Businesses Continue to Thrive from New Customers
More people relocating to Bend for work or family reasons means more opportunities for local businesses to win new customers. Bend brands have long thrived on creating long-term loyalty with a combination of quality and embracing the innate upbeat friendliness of the region. Relocators are a valuable source of new revenue, new ideas – and in some cases, new business partners to create synergy with.
Once these loyal customers are created, they are also more likely to tell their out-of-town friends and family about the businesses they like most or show off products that they got. This increases brand reach and is a valuable type of ambassadorship.
2. Bend Still Thrives Even Under Pandemic Conditions
There’s another important reason moving to Bend has remained a popular option in 2020: COVID-19 has not treated many larger cities well, but Bend has several strengths that have enabled it to avoid these problems and continue to be a destination for those looking to find a new job.
First, the city’s focus on the outdoors is particularly timely while social distancing regulations continue. It’s a lot easier and safe to plan an afternoon of open-air mountain climbing with close friends or family rather than heading to a more crowded location where chances of infection are higher. These outdoor options may not be available in larger urban areas without significant travel. Many outdoor activities in Bend also allow for easy social distancing or solo ventures, from kayaking to fishing or desert hiking.
Second, businesses in Bend have been in some ways more fortunate that the companies in many other cities. Outdoor companies can continue to focus on Bend’s summer and winter activities without worrying too much about these activities being curtailed (and in some cases, the extra time lockdown has created has actually been a boon). The great summer weather has also meant that businesses can utilize their outdoor areas to the greatest extent possible to ensure customers stay safe while still visiting – there’s a reason food trucks have been so popular this year!
3. Bend Continues to Manage Its Development
When small cities see lots of growth over a short period of time, they can sometimes struggle to match that growth with the proper planning and development. Fortunately, Bend has shown the ability to create proper plans and room for development in accordance with needs changing over time. Rezoning locations, adding another school district, and similar changes are slowly but surely preparing the city for its new residents.
Remember, if you want to relocate to Bend or learn more about the process, we are here to help with the latest information and services!