It’s safe to say we all have many expectations for 2021: Fortunately, those planning on moving to Bend in the coming year will find a lot to look forward to! And if you haven’t created a timetable for moving here yet, 2021 may be one of the years to do it. Let’s take a look at what to expect.
1. Bend’s New High School Debuts
Families with growing students will have a new high school district to look forward to in 2021, the southeast Caldera High School. Not only is this an exciting opportunity for students who are living (or will be moving to) that district, but it should lessen the load and open up more resources for the other high schools in the city, benefiting everyone in the city.
2. You Will Have Plenty of Like-Minded Friends to Meet
Bend has quickly become an immensely popular destination for workers looking to escape larger cities with COVID-19 issues, leading to an influx of residents in 2020 and 2021. That means some serious competition for certain types of real estate, but it also means that those moving to Bend will be far from alone – you’re likely to meet plenty of other people in similar circumstances that you can share experiences with.
3. Innovative New Housing Options Are On Track
Bend is continually updating its development code to help make room for more residential housing and effective developments. In 2021, the city is considering enabling “micro unit developments” (basically one-room occupancies) and smaller dwellings to help meet the latest population needs of the city, which will be opening up a wide variety of new opportunities for developers and those interested in moving!
4. Bend Continues to Enable Remote Work Situations
Bend was one of the premier locations for remote work even before the days of COVID-19. Now that so many organizations have switched over to remote work in 2020, those new organizational structures are likely to stay in 2021 – and Bend is perfectly positioned to enable new remote work scenarios!
5. Oregon Is Helping People Find Health Insurance in 2021
Oregon is joining 14 other states in the big Get Covered 2021 campaign, which is designed to help enable safe distancing protocols and masks (hopefully while vaccines continue to be distributed throughout the year), while also making it easier for people to find health insurance and financial aid for health issues. It’s a great program that should help many people in need!
6. Many Communities Are Planning Important Expansions
A plethora of community expansions are coming to neighborhoods and parks in 2021, including safety and accessibility improvements, many new developments throughout Central Oregon, better access to existing locations, and the completion of developments that were begun years ago. This can provide opportunities for those looking for homes in the area, while also making the city easier to enjoy for residents.
7. Festivals Are Set to Come Roaring Back
Everything from Bite of Bend to Winterfest has been waiting anxiously until 2021 to open again, and with a little bit of luck Bend will see its festivals arrive with great anticipation: You can expect them to be some of the biggest that the city has had in many years!
8. Buying Real Estate Now Should Lead to Gains in the Coming Years
Real estate values in Bend are expected to continue to grow in 2021 and into the future. That means that buying property in Bend next year – albeit in a competitive environment – is likely to be a sound investment as prices continue to increase.
9. Services for New Businesses Are Better Than Ever
Bend has developed a robust network of services, organizations, and local connections/mentorships designed to help new businesses. Other entrepreneurs in the area will be happy to provide support as well, making 2021 one of the best years for people to move to Bend and begin their dream ventures.
10. There’s Plenty of Room to Help Bend Grow
In many ways, Bend is in an important transitional period right now, making many important decisions about community, transportation, local support, education, and much more. Moving to Bend in the coming year is a great way to get involved in these decisions when they matter most and help influence the city toward the best possible future!