School Bus Routes
Bend-La Pine Schools operates transportation services for elementary students who live more than one mile from their schools and for middle and high school students who live more than 1.5 miles from their schools, as required by state law. Use the Bus Route Lookup Tool to find your route.
Bend-La Pine Schools My Bus Stop gives parents, guardians and students the ability to track the location of their school bus from a smartphone, mobile device or computer. My Bus Stop shows the school bus location on a map, as well as the estimated time of arrival (ETA) to your student’s bus stop. The school bus location is automatically updated, and the ETA is recalculated to accommodate any delays due to traffic while in route.
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, families will be able to opt into a new system that will allow them to track when their child enters and exits the school bus with the new Radio Frequency Identification Device cards (RFID).
For additional Bus Route information including walking routes, safety information, student and parent information and FAQs, please visit Bend-La Pine School District.